Brand Community

The Mcdonalds’ Community

Mcdonalds creates a community all around the world by using Gamification and crowdsourcing in order to involve its customers. The goal is to create a buzz around the brand and to let people feel part of the “team McDonalds”.

Some examples:

–        In America: Fans were asked to do a video for the launch of the new product“Fish mac Bites” in which they had to promote the product in animation and music. This create a community around the brand because people gather themselves to create it and win. Winners were rewards with money (the jackpot was 40,000 $)


fish mcbit

–        In Canada: McDonalds offer to its customers a gamification: Candidates has to create a little story by introducing characters that embodies McDonald’s product. The winner will be reward by: a private movie screening for him and his friends and of course recognition.  

–        In Germany: the first crowdsourced burger; the rule are simple: people were asked to prepare their own burger. On It technology they were able to create their own recipe. The challenge was not only to have a new burger idea but also to share this idea with other, to communicate this new recipe, to do its promotion. The winner will be the person whom collected the most of vote.

make your own 



The Burger King’s Community

In France: When Burger king announced its come back a community of French fans was created naturally. This people decided to create some Facebook pages to exchange their impressions about this return and share their joy.


Before, this comeback, French Fans already set up a community with a petition and Facebook pages to claim the return of the king!


–        In Norvege: They launched an application called Whopper Sellout, the goal is to test the loyalty of Burger King’s customers. In fact, fans have 2 possibilities : 1)     Confirm that they are real fan of the brand by clicking on the thumb 2)     Express they preference for McDonalds and click on the BigMac. Those whom clicked on the Big Mac were erased from the Burger King Facebook fan page. This allows the company to create a real and loyal community and after all create a buzz around the brand.


Authors: Viriginie Mialon, Bingying Zhang, Marvy Lungyeki, Maya Al Chaarani, Sandra Essafi

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